
The brain is the organ in charge of controlling practically all the tasks we perform in our daily lives. Learning, speech, reasoning and memory are just some of them. Therefore, protecting our brain is taking care of our long-term health.

Feed it

Our brain needs glucose, vitamins and minerals so that the neurons get energy for their daily functioning; ω3 and ω6 fatty acids to maintain their structure; and antioxidants to protect it from premature aging.


During sleep, we process all the information our brain has accumulated during the day and consolidate what we have learned. Therefore, restful sleep makes us able to think more clearly, be more focused and even more creative.

Stop stress

Our brain needs small doses of stress to stay alert. However, if the stress levels increase and become chronic, it may affect our brain and increase the risk of dementia, among other disorders.

Take some challenges

Like the rest of our body, our brain also trains. We have to keep it active so that its capacities perform well. For instance, learning a language, reading, playing an instrument, etc., will help you work on your neuronal connections and protect your brain.


Friends and family are great allies of your brain. Maintain healthy social relationships to generate neurotransmitters and enhance cognitive functions, while reducing anxiety and the risk of dementia.

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