It’s a herbaceous vivacious plant with tuberose roots that might be very large. Branches are of 30 to
Spontaneous plant of
It requires plenty of sunlight and a shady land. Roots are to be harvested when they are long enough after 4-6 years of cultivation. On the other hand, in the wild roots are decades old. It is harvested in spring and autumn, rootlets are detached. It is often treated with boiling water for a couple of minutes and left to dry at a temperature lower than
The root (Ginseng radix), formed by main, secondary and capillary roots.
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Fitoterapia Aplicada.J.B. Peris, G. Stübing, B.Vanaclocha. -´ñColegio Oficial de Farmacéuticos de Valencia 1995.
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Farmacognosia. G.E. Trease y W. C.Evans. CECSA.
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